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Articles & Papers

Mellmann, H., Taliaronak, V., Hafner, V.V. (2023). Towards an Anticipatory Mechanism for Complex Decisions in a Bio-Hybrid Beehive. Book Chapter in Concurrency, Specification and Programming. Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI, volume 1091), Springer,

Barmak, R. and Stefanec, M., Hofstadler, D. N., Piotet, L., Schönwetter-Fuchs-Schistek, S., Mondada, F., Schmickl, T. and Mills, R. (2023) A robotic honeycomb for interaction with a honeybee colony. Science Robotics 8(76):eadd7385.

Kotovs, D. and Zacepins, A. (2023) GIS-based interactive map to improve scheduling beekeeping activities. Agriculture 13(3):669.

Komasilova, O., Kotovs, D., Komasilovs, V., Kviesis, A. and Zacepins, A. (2023) Enhancing migratory beekeeping practice using digital flowering calendar. Baltic Journal Modern Computing 11(1), 1-14.

Lazic, D. and Schmickl, T. (2023) Will biomimetic robots be able to change a hivemind to guide honeybees’ ecosystem services? Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 18(3): 035004.

Taliaronak, V. Mellmann, H. and Hafner, V. V. Simulation and Decision-Making In a Bio-Hybrid Beehive. (2022) In: Abstract Book of International Congress on Bee Sciences, 57.

Puzynin, E., Mellmann, H., and Hafner, V. V. Addressing modern challenges for bees through a novel mobile app. (2022) In: Abstract Book of International Congress on Bee Sciences, 26.

Zacepins, A., Komasilovs, V., Jelinskis, J., Ozols, N., Kviesis, A. (2022) Application of the internet of things in precision beekeeping in Latvia. AGROFOR International Journal, 7(3), 101-111.

Stefanec, M., Hofstadler, D. N., Krajník, T., Turgut, A. E., Alemdar, H., Lennox, B., … & Schmickl, T. (2022). A Minimally Invasive Approach Towards “Ecosystem Hacking” With Honeybees. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9.

Smith, M. L., Davidson, J. D., Wild, B., Dormagen, D. M., Landgraf, T., & Couzin, I. D. (2022). Behavioral variation across the days and lives of honey bees. Iscience, 25(9), 104842.

Ilgun, Schmickl, Mills. A study model for reconstructing urban ecological niches. Proceedings of International Conf. for Structures and Architecture 2022, Aalborg, Denmark.

Zacepins, A., Ozols, N., Kviesis, A., Gailis, J., Komasilovs, V., Komasilova, O., & Zagorska, V. (2022). Evaluation of the honey bee colonies weight gain during the intensive foraging. 

Schmickl, T., Stefanec, M., Hofstadler, D.N., Krajni, T., Turgut, A.E. and Arvin, F. (2021) The Queen and her Robotic Court: A Minimally-Invasive Form of Ecosystem Hacking. In: Proceedings of the International Science Fiction Prototyping Conference 2021, 5-12

Ilgun, A., Schmickl, T. Mycelial Beehives of HIVEOPOLIS: Designing and Building Therapeutic Inner Nest Environments for Honeybees. Biomimetics  7(2), 75, 2022.

Wild, B., Dormagen, D.M., Zachariae, A., Smith ,M.L., Traynor K.S., Brockmann, D., Couzin, I.D., Landgraf, T. Social networks predict the life and death of honey bees. Nature Communications 12,  Article number: 1110, 2021.

Stefanec, M., Oberreiter, H., Becher, M.A., Haase, G., Schicke, T. Effects of Sinusoidal Vibrations on the Motion Response of Honeybees. Frontiers in Physics 9, 2021.

Schmickl, T., Szopek, M., Mondana, F., Mills, R., Stefania, M., Hofstadler, D.N., Lazio, D., Barmak, R., Bonnet, F., Zahadat, P. Social Integrating Robots Suggest Mitigation Strategies for Ecosystem Decay. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9, 2021.

Landgraf, T., Gebhardt, H.W.G., Bierbach, D., Romanczuk, P., Musiolek, L., Hafner, V.V., Krause, J. Animal-in-the-Loop: Using Interactive Robotic Conspecifics to Study Social Behavior in Animal Groups. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 4(1), pp.487–507, 2021.

Ilgün A. et al. Bio-Hybrid Systems for Ecosystem Level Effects. In: Artificial Life Conference Proceedings. ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life. 2021.

Lazic, D., Schmickl, T. Can Robots Inform a Honeybee Colony’s Foraging Decision-Making? . In: Artificial Life Conference Proceedings. ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life. 2021.

Schmickl, T., Zahadat, P., Hamann, H. Wankelmut: A Simple Benchmark for the Evolvability of Behavioral Complexity. Applied Sciences 11(5),  1994, 2021.

Komasilova, O., Komasilovs, V., Kviesis, A., Zacepins, A. Model for finding the number of honey bee colonies needed for the optimal foraging process in a specific geographical location. PeerJ Life & Environment 9:e12178. 2021.

Szopek, M., Thenius R., Stefanec, M., Hofstadler, D., Varughese, J., Vorgin, M., Radspieler, G., Schmickl, T. Autonome Roboterschwärme als Stabilisatoren Gefährdeter Ökosysteme. Navigationen 21,  2021, pp.150-181.

Komasilova, O., Komasilovs, V., Kviesis, A., and Zacepins, A. Modeling of the Potential Honey Bee Colony Foraging Activity Based on the Agrometeorogical Factors. Baltic J. Modern Computing 9(3), pp.280-289, 2021. 

Nicolis, S.C., Martín, M.C., Campo, A., Deneubourg, J.-L. Control of collective behaviours through artificial feedbacks. In: Artificial Life Conference Proceedings. ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life. Online. 2021.

Taliaronak, V., Mellmann, H., Hafner, V.V. Simulation of Interactions between Beehives. In:  The 29th International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming Proceedings. CS&P’21. ISSN 1613-0073, 2951, pp. 106-112.

Puzynin, E., Mellmann, H., Hafner, V.V. A Novel Mobile App for the Next Generation of Beekeepers. In:  The 29th International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming Proceedings. CS&P’21. ISSN 1613-0073, 2951, pp. 113-116.

Szopek, M., Stokanic, V., Radspieler, G., Schmickl, T. Simple Physical Interactions Yield Social Self-Organization in Honeybees. Frontiers in Physics 9, 2021.

Mellmann, H., Schlotter, B., Musiolek, L. and Hafner, V.V. Anticipation as a Mechanism for Complex Behavior in Artificial Agents. In: Artificial Life Conference Proceedings. ALIFE 2020: The 2020 Conference on Artificial Life. 2020. pp.157-159, MIT Press. 2020.

Komasilova, O., Komasilovs, V., Kviesis, A., Bumanis, N., Mellmann, H., and Zacepins, A. Model for the Bee Apiary Location Evaluation. Agronomy Research 18(S2), pp.1350-1358, 2020.

Luneckas, T., Luneckas, M., Salem, Z., Szopek, M., Schmickl, T. Convolutional Neural Network for Honeybee Density Estimation. 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2020, pp.2558–2566. 10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308169

Vogrin, M., Stefanec, M., Schmickl, T. Social Distancing in Robot Swarms: Modulating Exploitation and Exploration Without Signal Exchange. 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2020, pp.2233-2240. 10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308502. 

Bumanis, N., Komasilova, O., Komasilovs V., Kviesis, A., Zacepins, A. Application of Data Layering in Precision Beekeeping: The Concept.  2020 IEEE 14th International Conference Application of Information and Communication Technologies  (AICT), 07-09 October 2020, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. (Virtual mode).               10.1109/AICT50176.2020.9368733 

Bumanis, N. Data Fusion Challenges in Precision Beekeeping: a Review. In Proceedings of  the International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2020″ (RRD), 2020.